When you read something like what’s below, do you feel motivated or do you feel irritated? Myself, I fall into the “irritated” category, and am absolutely not motivated to spend any money with someone who talks down to me like this guy does. That last bit I find especially insulting. When I read this, my reaction wasn’t “Where do I sign up?,” it was more like “F**k you!”

What do you think?

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But if you’re happy spinning your wheels and you don’t really want to own, run or manage your own business then I wish you luck and I hope your current job survives the coming economic meltdown. 
As it turns out, no one has bothered to share the raised-hackles issue with this person, because this is the EXACT SAME TEXT he used to badger people back in December of 2015. Or, possibly, he knows and doesn’t care. Is this the only way he can get business: to bully people? Wow. Oh, wow.