You know, I’m beyond “over” smug people who are “authors.”
You watch someone swank around saying, “I’m a published author,” or “I’m a bestselling author,” and then you pick up his or her book and the book is littered with mistakes!
Or you visit some “coaching” site, a site that is simply stuffed with “global thought leaders,” where (of course) everybody is a best-selling author, and then you see this:
Thursday, August 31, 2017 — PUBLISH YOUR BOOK. Yes, you really CAN tell a book by it’s cover. Learn when to call in the expert book designers, illustrators and photographers, and why DIY is not always in your best interest. [email protected]
I mean, what the F*CK? How can this happen? On a website with “international” and “federation” in its title. I’m just not getting it. A keynoter at a conference has hundreds of mistakes in his book. A workshop presenter at the same conference has hundreds of mistakes in her book. A gal who sits near you at lunch passes you an 87-page manuscript that SHE SAYS has been edited and the 87-page manuscript has THREE HUNDRED AND NINE mistakes in it.
I was applying to present a program in New Zealand, and the organizers wanted the program to be along the lines of “How to Write a Book and Why You Should.” My first draft was titled “Everyone Can Write a Book, But Not Everybody Should.” Humph, maybe not. Then I tried this: “Not Everyone Should be an Author, and That’s OK.” Better.
Introduction: Got something to say? That’s great, because so does everyone else. The commitment of authorship is considerable, because writing a book isn’t easy. Writing a book can take months, if not years. Most books nowadays are poorly edited, unoriginal crap. Most claims to “best-seller” status are bull. Do you feel you should be an author? Do you have what it takes to write an important, worthwhile book with a clear, original, and valuable message? Do you really feel you have something to say, or are you just feeling peer pressure? Let’s find out!
I finally decided that if the point was to get invited to New Zealand, I’d have to be much, much, much more chirpy. So, here’s what I finally came up with:
The EXPLOSIVE Power of the Published Speaker
La, dee, da, everybody’s a friggin’ author, but nobody can write.
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