I know a lot of people—and a lot of people I respect, a lot—think that LinkedIn is the greatest thing since sliced bread. While I’ve never been enamored of the whole “connectedness” thing and the thought of having a million billion “followers” makes me feel like running for the hills, I’m learning that referral-based marketing is the way to go, and you can’t get a referral unless…you’re connected!
It’s been a slow process. I struggle.
But I struggle even more when, looking around LinkedIn, I stumbled across the worst “editing” information ever. It’s in LinkedIn education; I forget what they call it officially. It was horrible! Horrible! Jaw-droppingly bad. Even worse than Grammarly. (Yes! Even worse than Grammarly!) I found myself sending “crazy lady” feedback to LinkedIn on every page of this crap.
Here’s a sample page:
Pronouns need a clear antecedent .
An antecedent is the word which a pronoun replaces. example: jane arrived late. she had another meeting. (jane is the antecedent of she).
This person is supposed to be teaching me about punctuation and grammar, and there are seven—SEVEN—punctuation mistakes in this content.
- Extra space between “antecedent” and the period in the first sentence.
- Optional: I would have put the second use of “antecedent” in quotes or italics.
- Optional: I don’t like “which” and would have used “that.”
- Since when don’t we capitalize the first word in a sentence? That mistake was made four times!
- “Jane,” last time I looked, is a proper noun, and what do we do with proper nouns? Why, we capitalize them!
- Optional: I would have put both “Jane” and “she” in quotes.
- And the period should be inside the parenthesis.
And this is from an “instructor”? Give me a break! You should have seen what the “instructor” did with dashes! Jesus wept.
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