When you are a professional speaker, or even if you’re not, you should never agree to speak in a venue that requires you to sign something like this. (The three misspelled words are in the nature of icing on the cake.) If you are ever faced with this sort of quasi-legal mumbo jumbo, stop, and just say NO.
Never let yourself get bullied into doing anything (and especially signing anything) that you know is stupid and just plain wrong; here’s a great example of when you need to protest, and, not getting satisfaction, you walk away. This is the most unprofessional piece of garbage I’ve ever read, second only to the time that Lee County wanted me to sign an agreement that would  have allowed it to conduct interviews of my neighbors before I could present adult educational programs (for the third year in a row) in its library system.  That didn’t happen, and neither will this.
WAIVER: By virtue of my registration and attendance at this District 84 Event, I hereby grant to Toastmasters International, District 84, (hearafter “D84”) the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use, reproduce, and publish photographs, video, and/or audio of me, including my image and likeness as depicted therin, captured at/during the event without compensation. Such images, audio, and video may be published in any medium, and may also appear on D84’s or its affiliate’s websites and social media outlets. Consequently, D84 may publish materials, use my name, use photographs, video, and audio of me, and/or make reference to me in any manner that D84 deems appropriate in order to promote and/or publicize Toastmasters International District 84, or to promote, highlight, or showcase D84 membership benefits and opportunities. I understand and agree that by virtue of this registration, I release D84 from any and all claims, actions, and liability related to its use of said photographs, audio or video images and recordings.