Who is minding the store at Forbes.com?

Answer: No one. Take a look! See some seriously sloppy editing. Mistakes all over the place. At Forbes! Forbes! Many successful people attribute at least part of their success to having a mentor. The right mentor can provide advice and connections that help their...

Killer Biography!

Do you enjoy reading biography? Then run, don’t walk, to abebooks.com and pick up a copy of Madame An Intimate Biography of Helena Rubinstein, by Patrick O’Higgins. The story is terrific, but the writing…my dears, the writing is outstanding. Out....

Compliments of CNN.com: How NOT TO use commas!

Ah, the joys of reading CNN.com. I appreciate CNN. I do. But, a lot of the time, its punctuation leaves something to be desired. Or, in the case below, its punctuation left something out. Here’s the sentence: The princess is a well-known international figure,...