Would you pay for this person's advice?

Question: If someone advertised that he (or she!) is a WordPress “expert” and a “business adviser,” but misspelled the word “adviser,” would you have any confidence whatsoever that his (or her!) advice would be worth, well,...

Yukking it up on LinkedIn

I know a lot of people—and a lot of people I respect, a lot—think that LinkedIn is the greatest thing since sliced bread. While I’ve never been enamored of the whole “connectedness” thing and the thought of having a million billion...

Yours in Good Grammar: "Breakthrough"

Yours in good grammar: The Space Makes the Case! A “breakthrough” is defined as “a significant or sudden advance, development, or achievement that removes a barrier to progress; a person’s first success.” “Breakthrough” is one of a group of words, like cleanup, login,...